Rue Stiic Lifestyle Rider
Name: Sormarie Nieves
From: Puerto Rico
Now living: Encinitas, CA
About Sormarie: Creative Director and stylist for JettyGirl Surf Magazine. Surfer, island-girl, ocean lover, and adventurer. I’m inspired by the ocean, different cultures, and the people I meet in and out of the water. Born in Puerto Rico, I later moved to California. Where I’m at in life today is all because of surfing I would say. You meet one person in the water that you can relate to, they invite you into their world…that splinters into the meeting of more people who interest and intrigue you. More opportunities arise from these relationships. To travel, to try new things, to experience these adventures that create memories that will never fade. Before you know it, years have passed and you have entire family made from all these chances you took on yourself and those you put your trust in. And it has only just begun! Looking forward to many more adventures…many more memories, friendships, and incredible experiences that come along with the ride. Rue Stiic…thank you for taking me into the Rue Stiic family…I cant wait to see where this adventure takes us.
The Rue Stiic Brand: Effortless style that perfectly suits the life of the ocean. Simple yet glamorous.
Instagram: @sntuttinieves